Kitchen with 3D images

Traditionally, the kitchen has been a place next to the fire where the family met. Nowadays things have changed in different ways of life, but cooking is still an important part for the inhabitants of the house. The use of 3D images is a tool of the first order to design this space that, unlike a business or office, is part of a private environment such as home. Here are some tips to design with 3D technology the image of a kitchen.

1. Look for inspiration in 3D

Although sometimes we think we have everything clear, it never hurts to take a look at the pout of other 3D artists and designers, to see what is going on when it comes to kitchen design. In the network you will find 3D images with new designs of cuisines from around the world, and it is worthwhile to be aware of market trends.

2. Choose the views of the user

By displaying the visualization of a 3D design, you can show the kitchen from different points of view. In a special way, it is advisable to also show the perspective of the client in everyday situations. For example, when someone is sitting, having breakfast. How does the kitchen look from there?

3. Remember that the kitchen is a family space

A diferencia de otros espacios profesionales más o menos públicos como una oficina o una tienda, la cocina es un lugar de intimidad que se disfruta en familia, en el entorno del hogar. Y aquí va el primer consejo: recuerda que tus clientes no tienen por qué saber lo que es un render. Tan sólo tienes que mostrárselo.

4. Variations in lighting

The kitchen is an essential space in any home, and has to be available around the clock. We can show the space at sunrise, with a breakfast scene. Or at night, when the light of the open refrigerator reveals the furtive presence of a child in pajamas. They are examples of 3D images that evoke everyday situations around a kitchen, where light will mark the time of day.

5. The MasterChef effect

Have we said that the kitchen is an intimate space, enjoyed by the family? True, only sometimes the kitchen can become an important element of social life. When the end user is a cooker, he most likely wants to show off his culinary skills. It can be during a couples dinner, or at a party with guests from work. The designer has to imagine these possible situations, and help himself with the 3D technology to carry it out.